
Hi! I’m

“Since I was a child, I’ve been making movies in my mind.
I imagine scenes.
I tell stories.”

I am an artist photographer in Berlin.

I grew up in the French Alps, between lakes and mountains, but it’s especially through books and movies that I used to escape.
During my studies in «Images and Narrations» I discovered photography. This amazing tool allows me to create and tell my own stories or that of others.


_  “Leftovers” by Soft Within, Berlin (D), 2017
Festival Emoi Photographique, Angoulême (FR), 2016
_  Wonderland, Librairie Le Muratore à Evian (FR), 2016
Histoires imaginaires, Librairie Le Muratore à Evian (FR), 2014
_  8ème édition du prix “Photo d’Hôtel, Photo d’Auteur”,
Galerie Esther Woerdehoff à Paris (FR), 2014
_  Le Chemin des Images, Musée de l’Image à Epinal (FR), 2014
_  Histoires imaginaires, Casino d’Evian (FR), 2014


_  Jury’s price of the Festival Emoi Photographique 2016
_  Published in Causette Magazine, Chasseur d’image, L’œil de la Photographie, OpenShow Switzerland, Télérama
_  “Coup de Cœur” of the magazine Réponses Photo, Concours Rencontres d’Arles 2012
_  Also portrait and wedding photographer as La Grande Rousse